Interstate Passport Briefing

Meet the programmer analyst who is behind the data for Network member Utah State University

Kristi Swainston is a Programmer Analyst for the Utah State University Registrar’s Office. Her main responsibilities in her position include querying student information from the Banner database and building reports from this information. In addition, Swainston is one of the multitude of personnel behind the scenes at member institutions who are ensuring Interstate Passport is working by compiling and submitting data to the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC). She submits data for three Interstate Passport services provided by NSC including Passport Completion, PassportVerify and Academic Progress Tracking. In turn, NSC provides reports back to Network members identifying students who have earned Passports, on the number of Passports awarded by institutions, and the academic progress of students for two terms following transfer within the Network. Swainston is also a member of Interstate Passport’s Registrar and Institutional Researcher Advisory Committee which focuses on the technical aspects of data submission and provides recommendations to the Passport Review Board. Swainston has recently provided technical support to colleagues in the Network with preparing their student information systems for data submission to NSC and she co-presented an Interstate Passport webinar: Using Banner to Collect and Submit Interstate Passport Student Datawhich has been very useful for current and potential member institutions.

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