Join us to review the data shared by the NSC pertaining to Interstate Passport Network institutions in AY 2021-2022 and WICHE staff will share insights into the future of the Interstate Passport program. The Annual Report and other resources will be shared following the meeting. For questions, please contact Olivia Tufo, Manager of Community Engagement and Development, at
Event Network Type: Webinar
The Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) and New Mexico State University (NMSU) received a one-year planning grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to identify a process to transform postsecondary institutions’ STEM transfer policies and practices by identifying the lower division STEM learning outcomes required for success in Electrical Engineering degree programs. It is anticipated that the planning grant will lead to a longer-term grant from NSF. The multi-year grant would engage multiple institutions in a process to: 1) identify common sets of pre-requisite SLOs for engineering programs and 2) recognize students’ mastery of those STEM learning outcomes regardless of specific courses taken or credits earned. The advisory board will provide input on the current planning grant and guidance on the development of the longer-term grant.